It’s hard to stay on track y’all! We all know how important exercise is for long-term health – but life takes over and fitting exercise into your daily routine is so difficult for most of us. Then add the holidays into the mix and it’s tougher than ever to make time for yourself.
It wasn’t until I hit my 40’s that I was able to make a mindset shift and commit to doing it every day. Sometimes lack of motivation gets in my way…I mean, there are a million excuses we can come up with right? But I have found a few secret tips that have helped me move my body every day. Here are 3 tips I have found to help prioritize exercise even in our crazy busy lives.
Start slow
Set small achievable goals. When I was trying to lose the last bit of baby weight after I had Mia 8 years ago, I wasn’t used to working out every day. Yet, I knew I wanted to commit to losing weight and being healthier. So I continued to be consistent by showing up every other day. I knew that if I stuck to a routine it would slowly become a habit, but I also didn’t want to burn myself out.
So I started slow and gradually started working out longer and becoming more consistent. Working out every other day, slowly turned into working out daily and my workouts eventually started to become something I looked forward to as a part of my day instead of something I dreaded. It is truly so important to start slow so you don’t get discouraged and stop altogether.
Develop New Habits

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. You won’t always be motivated, so relying on that will backfire. I have made exercise part of my daily lifestyle, almost like brushing my teeth. It’s all about discipline and the commitment I have made to myself!
It is important to make a daily plan for exercise and incorporate it into your schedule every day. Find something that you love! It doesn’t have to be time in the gym or need to be the same thing every day. Working out sometimes simply means moving your body and finding out what feels good to you that day.
I also budged for a personal trainer – best money I spend on myself! A personal trainer allows you to develop safe weight lifting techniques and work out routines – it increases my confidence in the gym. I am “addicted” to exercise in the best way and crave the high I get from a workout. It’s hard…and I still look forward to the rush I get from the sweat and burn.
Remember Your Why
Exercise is a quick and healthy way to lose weight. That is the reason I got started. I wanted to lose the last bit of baby weight after having Mia. I was approaching 40 and wanted to enter this new decade of my life feeling my best.
Losing weight was my initial motivation, but all the long-term benefits of exercise are the reason I keep going to the gym five days a week. I know that exercise reduces stress and anxiety. I sometimes go into the gym and put on boxing gloves and literally punch the bag, thinking of the stress of the day and trying to work it out!!!
I always feel better after a sweat session – ALWAYS. I love the serotonin rush and I am always in a better mood after! This is the reason why I work out and what gets my butt out of bed in the morning when all I want to do is hit the snooze button. It’s important to know your reasons for working – it helps motivate you to keep going even when you don’t feel like it.

I hope these tips help you to make working out a part of your daily routine. I know it has helped me immensely in my life, not only to feel better but improve my mood and overall well-being. Wishing you all the best in this new year! I am excited to see what changes we all can make for the better in 2021! Want more fashion and fitness advice? Head over and follow me on Instagram @donnatryba or check out this article on the 7 basic things I do to stay fit. Sending air hugs and much love from downtown Austin, Texas. xo, dt