Holiday weight gain happens to everyone. I suggest losing the guilt y’all! I put on a few pounds at Christmas – but I gave myself some grace. I really enjoy great food and drinks in moderation with the ones I love….that is my social health and it’s vital to me! If that makes weight loss a little slower….isn’t it worth it?
Now that the holidays are over, I’m getting back on track with healthy eating and my fitness routine. I’m excited to share some tips on how YOU can lose the guilt and lose the weight this new year.
Exercise and being physically fit is one reason I workout very religiously, but it is only one part of my overall health. Enjoying my favorite foods, like chocolate cake and fine wine, is part of my overall diet and that is OKAY. Completely restricting the things I love would never work for me!
That is why I love intermittent fasting…. it’s easier to control when I eat rather than what I eat. I don’t have to avoid social situations because my diet is too restrictive…..that is not really living to me!
Balance is the key and it’s tough to find. Intermittent fasting has given me freedom to enjoy the foods I love on occasion while helping me slim down and stay healthy. It helps me lose the guilt and lose the weight – it’s simple!

I follow an 8/16 intermittent fasting plan: eating during an 8-hour window and fasting for the other 16. I eat fewer meals, which is an easy way to cut calories. I tend to snack a lot so when I am only eating during an 8-hour window, it really reduces my calories fast!
I practiced IF 5/6 days a week and I lost 12 pounds in about 4 months. Now I practice IF about 3 days a week to maintain my weight.
This is the schedule I follow: breakfast at 10 am, lunch at 1 pm, a very small snack sometimes at 4 pm and dinner at 6 pm. Some people choose to skip breakfast and fast from noon to 8 p.m., while others avoid eating late and stick to a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule.

The best part about Intermittent Fasting….. no fussy meal plans or complicated meal prep. I struggled with that part when I tried to do Paleo or Keto diets.
I noticed that there were too many times in my life where I thought I should be losing weight but I wasn’t. Perhaps it was that extra bite I took off my girl’s plate, that “just one glass” of wine I had at dinner, for the 3rd night in a row.
These are those sneaky calories that add up to more than you think! Fasting keeps those sneaky calories in check! I know that after my dinner – I will not eat any calories. It makes keeping track so much easier.

I would love to you know your thoughts on intermittent fasting and if it has helped you lose weight. Please connect with me on Instagram @donnatryba for weight loss tips, quick workout routines, daily motivation, and more!
If you want more information on intermittent fasting please download my free intermittent fasting guide HERE. Thank you my friend for reading along! Sending good vibes from downtown Austin, Texas.
xo, dt
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